The meeting depends on donations to support its programs and events and to maintain the meetinghouse facility and grounds. We rely on individuals and families to determine what they are able to give, consistent with their means. All contributions are confidential.
There are a number of ways to contribute.
Check or Cash
Send a check or cash to:
Chatham Summit Monthly Meeting
158 Southern Boulevard
Chatham, NJ 07928
Download the Zelle app on your phone or device, add your bank account information, and submit payments to:
Automatic Withdrawal
We encourage this type of contribution because arranging for automatic withdrawals enables the Finance Committee to anticipate income in advance. To set up automatic withdrawals, send this authorization form to:
or to:
Chatham Summit Monthly Meeting
158 Southern Boulevard, Chatham, NJ 07928
Donate your time and talents
In addition to financial contributions, you may give of your time and talents by serving on one or more committees that do the work of the meeting.
Once a month we invite everyone to put on work gloves and come to Love Your Meetinghouse Day where we work together on grounds and building maintenance.

Leaving a legacy
Bequests contribute significantly to the continued vitality and sustainability of our faith community. This type of gift is not just for the wealthy; options for planned giving are suitable to people of ordinary means. The Trustees and Finance Committee work with Friends Fiduciary Corporation, a non-profit guided by Quaker values, to receive and invest these kinds of gifts.
Other giving options
If you are over 70 1/2 years of age, you may use a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA to contribute to the Meeting, while also reducing your tax liability, even if your deductions don't exceed the standard deduction. Consult your accountant or IRA provider about how to make this kind of contribution.
The meeting also accepts gifts of appreciated securities. Contact the treasurer of Trustees for information on how to do this.