Our Community
Supporting One Another
Chatham Summit Meeting welcomes families and individuals of all ages. From the beginning, Friends have recognized the importance of being in a community. That community nurtures our spiritual life and accompanies us in joys and challenges.
Learn about the support and opportunities we offer for families and individuals at various stages of their lives, such as affinity groups for young adults, parents with children, etc., our spiritual development program (called First Day School) for young people, and childcare for the very young.
Read about the ways that we express our faith through gifts of time, talent and money to meet human needs and influence critical issues in our community and the world.
Explore links to some of the larger Quaker organizations through which we seek to bring spiritual light and Quaker values to our world.
Learn how we bring our values and spirituality to life through the work of our committees, and how the meeting as a whole makes decisions in its monthly meetings for business.
Chatham Summit History
Read about the history of the Chatham Summit Meeting from its origins in the 1940s and its move to its present location in 1970 to the present day.