Faith in Action
Let your life speak.
As individuals and as a meeting, we express our faith through gifts of time, talent and money to meet human needs and influence critical issues in our community and the world. We work with the Chatham Interfaith Clergy Council to stay aware of local needs. We are able to leverage our action through contributions of time and money to Quaker action organizations such as the Friends National Committee on Legislation, American Friends Service Committee, Quaker United Nations Office, and Friends Peace Teams.
When faced with controversial issues or challenges for social change, we work together to discern a just and faithful response, and then express our position in a recorded minute, such as our minute on committed relationships.
Social Action
Some Current and Recent Projects:
We collect food, clothing and money for local food pantries and women’s shelter.
We partner with Peaceworks.
Our children sponsor a Peace Festival as one of a series of peace-centered activities.
We participate in lobbying with Friends Committee on National Legislation.