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The Wider Quaker Community

New York Yearly Meeting (NYYM)


A fellowship and organization of approximately 80 meetings and worship groups spread across New York, northern New Jersey, and southwestern Connecticut.

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Friends General Conference (FGC)


Association of local and regional Quaker organizations primarily in the US and Canada.

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Friends United Meeting (FUM)​


An international fellowship of Christ-centered Friends (Quakers) working together in the areas of Leadership and Resource Development, Evangelism, Communication, and Global Partnership.

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American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)


Quaker-founded organization working to promote peace and social justice issues.

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Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)


A national, nonpartisan Quaker organization that lobbies Congress and the administration to advance peace, justice, and environmental stewardship.

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Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)


Quaker presence at the United Nations, representing Friends’ concerns for global peace and justice to the international community.

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